Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

born to write, not to rote.

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Stealing this. 🍻

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Sean, just terrific writing here. Honest, touching and inspiring. Fantastic job on this piece. - Jim

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Thank you, Jim! I'm glad it didn't come across sad-sacky (or at least not too much.) I'm hoping that other folks who don't have an extensive (or any) academic background feel a little less alone.

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

You're talking to one of those other folks right now, partner. Head up, you're not alone. Thanks for sharing this. - Jim

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Didn't finish highschool either. But your story is better. I just wanted to do salacious, illegal and dangerous things for no other reason than to say I did it.

I admire the turning point for you and that resolve. It is that quality that stands up more than any vapid, flimsy diploma ever could.

And besides, telling the truth in a big lie is what many of us are doing here on the stackafugatz everyday.

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I appreciate this. That resolve is definitely something I see in a lot of the writers I admire, including yourself. And now I want all the scandalous stories of Jon T's youth.

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

I will save that post for when I learn how to squeeze a psychedelic flashback from my fat cells like a pimple and extract those awkward misadventures.

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

I second Sean's desire, throw us a bone will ya?

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

This made me smile. I was happy for you that you read all those things! You're a born writer, Sean.

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Aww, you're the best. ❤️

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

An absolute born writer! One of the best in the game.

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Geez, you'll make me blush!

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

My husband never even finished 10th grade. Decided to go his own way. I am proud of him. I do not think school necessarily reflects a person's station in life. Heck, I always go by the motto of character. You sure write better than most I personally know who finished college.

I love how well read you are. Reading is something I like to do. I wasn't fortunate to get many books as a kid. But the few books we had I read while I was still in elementary: memoirs, national history, project management manuals my dad had, college level anatomy, and the only encyclopedia he had which was the letter C of Brittanica haha. I'd spend hours inside a library if I could and drown in books. Graduated college but never given a diploma for a petty reason.

Awesome story Sean... I always like a fellow bibliophile.

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I love that you were reading basically anything you could get your hands on. Did you go into project management? And can you tell me all about anything starting with the letter C? :)

I really appreciate you, Ika. You're one of my favorite folks I've met on Substack. ❤️

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Jul 18Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

There weren't many books in our home , most were overdue library stuff, or something my dad was gifted with. I did not go into project management but he was a government employee in the trade department. I did a little coding gig freelance.

Goodness, to only read the content of the encyclopedia C (overdue book at the time), I probably don't even remember most of it. But it was a funny memory.

Aww, thanks Sean. 😊 I was definitely sold on your work when I read the Fox and the Snipe.

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Gorgeous. Eloquent. Almost like you got a better education outside the classroom.

As a college dropout (3 sad semesters) I identify with feeling a bit less than. Except, like you’ve proved: nobody gives a damn.

Keep on, friend.

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Thanks, homie! Appreciate the kind words. ❤️ I suppose everyone has something that makes them feel a little less than. It's great we don't let that stop us from digging in to life anyway!

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

So honest, Sean. Inspirational, too. I love it 🥰

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❤️ Thanks, Sukie!

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

As a fellow dropout, I liked this a lot.

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Thanks, Ray. There's something oddly pleasant in finding someone who can relate to this. Especially a fellow writer. ❤️

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Jul 18Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Simply gorgeous, Sean.

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Thank you, Anna! ❤️ What a lovely thing to read. I appreciate it.

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Jul 18Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

I love it. Also didn't graduate high school or even Jr. High, for whatever it's worth .

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I'm in the best company. ❤️

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Beautiful! This is so deep and personal and inspiring. I made it through school, but I hated it and didn’t apply myself, and thumbed my nose at it. My books were my haven and my academy. I was a very weird kid, troubled and on the fringe, but books (and writing) kept me from going off the rails. Imagining you standing in front of those bookshelves and making that pact to read everything just makes my heart burst with fist-in-the-air camaraderie.

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I wish I would have started reading earlier. I think it could have done a lot of good things for my confidence. I'm glad you had books to help you through those difficult times! If you were a weird kid, I'm sure we would have been friends as kids. :)

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

I feel you, brother. I dropped out of high school, dropped out of summer school, forged my high school transcript, went to college, military, and back to college. Everything I have is built on the lie that I completed my senior year of high school. Sometimes, it eats me up. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not supposed to be here. Yet, here we are.

Sometimes, I reckon the past doesn't have to be justified in the present. We've got a moment, and that's all we can guarantee, so all we can do is our best.

Beautiful piece, man. You're a brilliant writer.

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Well said my man. ❤️

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

I graduated HS with no honors and mainly because my precalc teacher was kind enough to accept months of missing homework that I feverishly completed right before I walked the stage. high school is a bust! Clearly your writing surpasses it.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

That was me in eighth grade! I did a years worth of homework in one week in order to even get to high school. 😅 I'm happy you got to squeak through! And clearly they should have given you honors!

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Jul 17Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Thank you for including we rule the school at the end of this excellent story. Belle and Sebastian are some of my heroes. My partner is a hs drop out, and wow your description of some of the feelings that come with dropping out of school rings vividly true. I love the books that you picked out to read. Thank you for writing this beautiful and artful piece, along with brilliant music too!

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Belle and Sebastian are one of my all time favorites, and they introduced me to a hundred other bands that I still love like Orange Juice, Felt, McCarthy, Sea Urchins, etc. Thanks for the kind words! ❤️

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Aug 2Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Not sad-wacky at all. And you are a wonderful writer and reader. Hunger, yes!

I did graduate but by the skin of my teeth. I only enjoyed English, Fine Arts, and Latin. Ha! But I read voraciously. I used to plop down on the living room floor and read the dictionary. It was a big, blue, coffee table sized one that you could bludgeon someone with. 😅

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Sticks and stone may hurt my bones but words will never hurt--THUD.

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Jul 25Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Just found you, how terrific is this.

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Thank you, Patris! You found me and now I've found you. Nice to meet ya!

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Jul 25Liked by Sean Thomas McDonnell

Same here!

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